Adopt an Olive Tree – Pack 2 (3L)


Producing Organic, Diversity Ark-certified extra virgin olive oil is a labor of love, and we couldn’t do it without your support – adopt a tree from our grove and your gift will help us continue to farm in ways that promote biodiversity, soil health, ecological balance, and the restoration of abandoned olive groves. Your Package #2 adoption includes:

  • 3 x 0,5L Olio Extravergine di Oliva “Tradizionale” 2024
  • 3 x 0,5L Olio Extravergine di Oliva IGP Toscana 2024

All Adopt an Olive Tree packages include:

  • A plaque with your (or your recipient’s) name on one of our olive trees
  • An Adoption Certificate
  • La Torre alle Tolfe Olive Oil Information Booklet

All Adopt an Olive Tree packages ship in early December as soon as the season’s new olive oil is bottled, just in time for the holidays. It’s the best way to pre-order our freshest oil of the season!



La Torre alle Tolfe is a diversified farm and azienda comprising 13 hectares of vineyards, 6.5 hectares of olive groves, and 80+ hectares of woodland, arable land, and pastures. Organic since 2004 and recently certified with DIVERSITY ARK, we produce three extra virgin olive oils – IGP Toscana, DOP Terre di Siena, and our “Tradizionale” style, all hand-harvested by our own team and blended from our four Tuscan olive cultivars: Frantoio, Leccino, Pendolino, and Moraiolo. We are proud members of VINNATUR and FIOI (Federazione Italiana Olivicolturi Indipendenti).